My List of Must Have VSCode Extensions

Whether at work or home, Microsoft's Visual Studio Code has become my #1 tool for any and all editing needs. Thanks to its rapid open source development and powerful extensibility, it manges to meet all my day-to-day needs in a single easy-to-use application. This list will be a living entity that constantly grows as I find new VSCode extensions that I cannot live without. Be sure to chime in and let me know your favorites as well. -Matt

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  • Code

Bracket Pair Colorizer

Colors each bracket pair in a different color making it easy to identify them.

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Provides powerful version comparison abilities as well as detailed commit and blame information within the file view.

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Remote Development Pack

This is an amazing set of extensions for anyone working on a home lab. The Remote - SSH extension in particular allows you to connect to any remote host via SSH and open a folder on that system within VSCode. This makes it super easy to edit a variety of configuration files across multiple systems all from your favorite IDE.

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My favorite theme currently. I use the UMBRA Protocol flavor as I prefer the darker background. There are links to matching themes for Chrome, iTerm, and Slack.

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Project Manager

Easily lets you switch between the various projects you are working on.

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Mark important areas of your code and quickly jump to them.

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Image Preview

Shows image previews in the gutter and on hover. This addon makes it easy to glance at what an image link is loading.

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Highlight Trailing White Spaces

Highlights trailing whitespace in red. Super useful for Markdown work or just cleaning up code and avoiding errors.

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Path Intellisense

Autocomplete suggestions for file paths as you type, adds what should be baked in functionality.

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Settings Sync

Allows you to easily sync all your VSCode settings across multiple machines using a GitHub Gist. Super useful, if like me, you might be working from 3 or 4 different devices throughout the day.

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A really cool extension that allows you to easily view and edit GitHub Gists from within VSCode. Also includes a playgorund feature allowing you to edit HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in the same pane with a live preview.

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Get VSCode

Not already using VSCode? Download it here or visit the Extension Marketplace online.